Saturday, September 24, 2011

Womens Half Marathon - Nashville

I like challenges and I like change. You would think I was an uphill kind of girl. Maybe in life, but definitely not while running. Bring on the downhill.

Today I completed my third half marathon at the women's Half Marathon in Nashville, TN with my friend Kim. we have had a lot of fun, which usually happens when I am with Kim. I think I am crazy when I keep signing up for these events. Or really stupid. But maybe only half crazy, because people who do full marathons are straight-up, full blown whackos.

This race was the first one that I had a lot of fun at. My first, P.F. changes was a huge disappointment after 2 11.2 mile events in Big Sur, CA. Very little food and hoopla at the end. It was freezing (literally, below 32 degrees in Phoenix that day) and overall miserable. My second was the Lost Dutchman which was beautiful, but I don't really know why I signed-up for it. I did it alone and had to wait for my medal to arrive by mail because they ran out and I was that slow that I didn't get one at the race. Jon came to cheer me on at the finish line for that one though. Which was a bonus.

Tis event was different. It had over 5000 entrants, all women. I finished (unofficially) in 2:50 which is a personal best, I think...... Kim pushed me hard, and I kind of hate her right now. Her response - "that's ok, you will like me again later." she trained better than I did which is not saying much since I didn't train at all. I would say we ran about half of it. It was empowering to see so many women together for a common cause. And though I have never had someone close to me die from breast cancer, I know people who have and it sucks. Besides, i do have these gigantic boobs that I would like to keep, so I believe in helping find a cure. Our names were on our bib numbers and everyone we passed would cheer us in by name, which was pretty awesome. And the signs and support from the crowd were great. Most inspirational include (feel free to pay attention because I am running this same race again in November at home if you want to come cheer us on):

You are also smart and beautiful.
I don't sweat, I glisten.
This one is for Gramma, we miss her every day.
You will achieve, triumph, dominate, prevail, conquer, and overcome.
Women are my favorite people (from a man, with a big stupid grin).
This isn't sweat, it's liquid awesome.
Your feet hurt because you are kicking ass.
Don't stop, people are watching.
This is the worst parade ever. (may be my favorite)
Puking is awesome (which I did at mile 2.5 and still trying to figure out why. I have never pikes while working out, and that was early in the race!)

All in all a great morning. It is a huge accomplishment and while I wish I had trained better, I am thrilled to have finished it.

Girls rock.